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Sundown 5/7 to Sundown 5/28, Pentecost!

Please pray for Israel 1 hour a day during this time

One of the repeated themes of our congregation is agreement. We know that when 2 or 3 come to an agreement, God is in their midst (Matthew 18:20). So imagine the power of over 1 MILLION people in agreement! That is exactly the opportunity right now, during this global Isaiah 62 fast!


This fast began sundown, 5/7/23, and ends sundown 5/28/23, on Shavuot/Pentecost weekend! During this time of prayer and fasting, our brothers and sisters in Christ worldwide will spend 1 hour a day praying for Israel. For more details about the fast and prayer resources for how to pray for Israel, click the button below!

There are multiple ways to fast, and you can fast however you feel led to (fruits & vegetables only, water only, one meal a day, no social media, etc.) For more information on fasting, click below for our Awakening 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting guide.

We look forward to hearing your testimonies from this time of prayer and fasting as we continue counting down to Shavuot/Pentecost!

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